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The book is written like a script

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Q: How can the novel be compared to a play-Of Mice and Men?
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What page was lennie compared a bear and a horse in the book of mice and men?

In John Steinback's novel "Of Mice and Men," Lennie is compared to a bear and a horse on page 22. Steinbeck describes Lennie possessing the strength and clumsiness of a bear, as well as being capable of physical labor like a horse.

Where did the title Of Mice and Men come from?

The title of the novel 'Of Mice and Men' comes from a poem called 'To a Mouse' by Robert Burns

Where is the word receptive in of mice and men?

The word "receptive" does not specifically appear in the novel "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck.

Was of Mice and Men Steinbeck's first attempt at a novel?

in the 1929

Is 'Of Mice and Men' a book?

It is a novel written by John Steinbeck

Should the novel Of Mice and Men be banned?

no, it is a great book.

In the novel Of Men and Mice what limb is candy missing?

In the novel "Of Mice and Men," Candy is missing a hand, not a limb. After losing his hand in an accident, he becomes self-conscious and feels marginalized on the ranch where he works.

What animal is not killed in the book Of Mice and Men?

The dog is not killed in the book Of Mice and Men. It is taken away to be shot by Carlson, but the actual shooting is not depicted in the novel.

Why was 'Of Mice and Men' set in soledad?

Soledad means loneliness/Solitude and 'Of Mice and Men' is set here because loneliness is a key theme in the novel.

How old is George Milton in of mice and men?

George Milton is described as being in his early 30s in John Steinbeck's novel "Of Mice and Men."

What is the correlation between mice and men?

The correlation between mice and men is a literary one from John Steinbeck's novel "Of Mice and Men." In the novel, the characters George and Lennie have a relationship similar to that of mice who rely on each other for companionship and protection in a harsh world. The title suggests that like mice, the characters are vulnerable and easily crushed by the circumstances around them.

Who drives mules with a whip in the novel Of mice and men?

its Hugh G. Rection