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Q: How can the rain forests balance the ecosystem?
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What are the monkeys ecosystem home?

Tropical Rain forests

Tropical rain forests support more species per unit area than any other terrestrial ecosystem. What is one way rain forests are important to the health of the biosphere. (APEX)?

Rain forests recycle nutrients.(apex)

What Ecosystem with long wet seasons and year-round growing plants?

Tropical Rain Forests

What ecosystem with long wet seasons and year round growing plants?

Tropical Rain Forests

What is the ecosystem for a parrot?

A parrot's ecosystem is tropical rain forests. It lives in warm areas in Asia, Africa, Australia, South America, and Central America.

How do the tropical rain forest ecosystem differ from the tropical rain forest biome?

There are rain forests, Savannas, and deserts that are all tropical and all of those are different.

What ecosystem does a Grey-Headed Flying Fox live in?

Swamps, Rain forests and Marshes =3 enjoy! im smart

Why are coral reefs called the rain forests of the sea?

Coral reefs are called the rain forests of the sea because they provide a home to a variety of plant and animal life. These plants and animals work together to make a complex ecosystem.

What biome has the highest primary production in terrestrial ecosystems?

Tropical rain forests have the highest primary productivity of any ecosystem on the planet.

What is the ecosystem home of a giant panda?

Giant pandas live in the temperate mountainous bamboo forests of central China.

What are we afraid might happen to the rain forests?

Deforestation is a major concern for those wishing to preserve the rain forests. Logging and burning are the main causes of deforestation. This not only clears the oxygen-providing plants and trees in the forests, it destroys the ecosystem in which many rare and endangered animals, birds, and insects live.

How can Peru benefit from its rain forests without hurting the global environment?

The rainforests support an ecosystem that benefits the entire environment of Peru.