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Q: How can the thermosphere have high temperaturws but not feel hot?
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How can the thermosphere have high temperature but not feel hot?

The Thermosphere feels very cold to us because of its low Thermal Energy.There are very few particles in the Thermosphere, so even if they were very, very hot, it would feel cold.

Why would a person feel cold in the thermosphere?

in the thermosphere it is so hott with the tempurature that the tempurature goes all the way up so its so hot that its so cold

Why is the thermosphere hot?

The thermosphere is so hot because sunlight strikes this layer of the atmosphere first.

How do you know if you have a high fever?

you feel hot. you feel hot.

Why isn't the thermosphere a hot place even though it has very high temperatures?

Because of the air molecules , when they touch you .

Why would it not feel hot in the thermosphere?

Because of the low density, molecules, particles and atoms, heat wouldn't be transmitted to your skin receptors.

Is it hot in the thermosphere?

It has a high temperature but it is not hot. Temperature (kinetic energy) and hot (thermal energy - a way of transferring energy between objects) are not the same thing. Temperature is the average velocity of particles, which in the thermosphere is quite high, but they are far less dense than in the troposphere, which means that they collide much less often and those fewer collision mean less energy transfer (less heat).

How hot does the thermosphere get?

1, 800 degres Celsius

What is the upper portion of the thermosphere called?

Happy Soda !

Why isn't the thermosphere hot?

because of the air molecules when they touch your skin. :)

Which layer of the atmosphere is named after its high temperature?

The only layer I could think of would be the Thermosphere. The reason why this part of the atmosphere is so hot is that it is the top layer of the atmosphere.

Why would you feel cold in the thermosphere?

The thermosphere is an upper layer of the atmosphere where the heavier molecules (notably oxygen) are dense enough to absorb a significant part of the high-intensity radiation from the Sun. But this part of the atmosphere is still so thin than an object placed there would encounter very few of the high-energy (high temperature) molecules. Despite the air molecules present, the thermosphere is essentially a vacuum. The International Space Station orbits within the thermosphere, at an altitude of 280 to 460 kilometers (175 to 285 miles). The range of the thermosphere is from about 100 to 600 kilometers (60 to 360 miles) above the Earth's surface.