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The valedictorian was overflowing with ebullience while he was making his speech.

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Q: How can the word ebullience be used in a sentence?
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What does ebullience mean?

Ebullience means being full of enthusiasm or excitement. It refers to a state of being very lively and exuberant.

What does ebullience mean in the lord of the flies?

In "Lord of the Flies," ebullience refers to the unrestrained enthusiasm and excitement of the boys as they embrace their newfound freedom on the island. However, this ebullience eventually gives way to chaos and savagery as the boys' behavior becomes increasingly uncontrollable.

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You just used the word acolytes in a sentence. Even saying, "can the word acolytes be used in a sentence", you are using that word in a sentence.

How do you use the word ebullient in a sentence?

(ebullient means cheerful and full of energy; enthusiastic)Janice's ebullient personality won her many friends at school.The citizens of Dubai were ebullient about their economic boom.

Can you please give me a sentence for ebulliance?

I think you mean "ebullience", because ebulliance is not in the dictionary.Ebullience is a noun and it means the quality of lively and/or enthusiastic expression of thoughts and feelings. Basically, it means enthusiasm."His natural ebullience began to return after he succeeded in the exams."References:http:/

Can the word incidentally be used at the end of a sentence?

The word "incidentally" can be used at the end of a sentence. You can make the sentence "This was done incidentally.".

How can the word comparative anatomy be used in a sentence?

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This is your umpteenth request for a word to be used in a sentence.

How is the word rang used in a sentence?

"Rang" is the past tense of the verb "ring." For example, "She rang the bell to signal the start of the event."

How do you used the word 'simple' in a sentence?

This is a simple sentence.

Is factor a sentence?

No, factor is a word that can be used in a sentence.

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