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Making electric power plants and electric cars.

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Q: How can the world produce less carbon dioxide?
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How do you produce less carbon dioxide?

By restricting the burning of wood and coal we can reduce the production of carbon dioxide. To minimize the production of carbon dioxide we should also restrict direct oxidation of carbon.

Why is the increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide less than the amount of carbon dioxide emissions produced by burning of fossil fuels?

Because trees consume carbon dioxide and produce oxygen.

How can you lessen are carbon foot print?

we can lessen it by using less things which produce more carbon dioxide we should use less cars

Does Nuclear energy produce more carbon dioxide than burning coal?

No. It produces less.

How would air composition change if there where no plant?

i think there would be less oxygen because the plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen

Why does burning petrol in a car engine produce carbon dioxide as well as carbon monoxide?

because the petrol reacts with the air forming sulphur dioxide. Then the sulphur dioxide goes through the catalytic converter and is then change into a less harmful gas, carbon diioxide and carbon monoxide.

If the rate of photosynthesis increases as carbon dioxide concentration increases why is the world facing global warming?

The amount of carbon dioxide the plants in the entire world take in is less than the amount of carbon dioxide organisms and human activities produce, so the concentration of carbon dioxide is increasing slowly. Another reason is that as more and more forests are being cleared, there are less trees to take in carbon dioxide for photosynthesis. The third reason is that at a certain concentration of carbon dioxide, the rate of photosynthesis stays constant.

What is the role for carbon dioxide on this earth?

We would die without carbon dioxide - carbon dioxide is essential to the production of oxygen! Trees and green plants ingest carbon dioxide from the atmosphere; plankton and green algae from the salt water (including ocean) or fresh water they live in. These green things produce oxygen as part of the process of photosynthesis. Oxidation produces some carbon dioxide, too, but the net effect is to give off less carbon dioxide, and produce more oxygen than they use. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere forms part of the greenhouse effect, which, if its levels are not disturbed, keeps the earth pleasantly warm enough for life.

What is the most prolific producer of carbon dioxide?

Plant and animal waste decay is the largest producer of carbon dioxide. Forest fires and volcanoes is another huge source. Then the burning of fossil fuels is the greatest man made contributor. There is less carbon dioxide in the summer as plants use it to produce oxygen.

What cars produce less Co2?

Hybrid cars produce less carbon dioxide because they run partially on an electric motor and partially on a gasoline engine. Therefore a hybrid will produce less CO2 than a car that relies solely on a gasoline powered engine.

How can you breathe out more CO2?

Yes. You exhale carbon dioxide and oxygen. You breathe out normal air although the cabon dioxide level is greater and there is less oxygen.

How does burning less fossil fuels reduce the amount of carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere?

When you burn fossil fuels to make enrgy, carbon dioxide is released. So, if you burn less fossil fuels, less carbon dioxide is released.