

How can therapy horses help us?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Therapy horses can help by foacusing your mind onto something elce and having a good time.

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Q: How can therapy horses help us?
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Can therapy horses really help you?

yes, in unimaginable ways. i have horses myself and have formed bonds with them that are stronger than with my own family.

How horses can be important in you life?

They can keep you company. They can also help provide you with physical therapy and exercise. Horses can also be important in that they can provide you with income through breeding and riding lessons.

What would happen if the horses was no longer a resource to the us?

Horses do little that we could not do without. They are more of apleasure animal than a nessesity. They play a small part in the economy, and they do have a few jobs that they would be missed in, like the mounted police and therapy horses (both of which aren't super common anyways), but they can be replaced with other things.

How did horses help us gain power?

we got faster they helped us in battle they have more strength we can train them to use to help us

What are therapy horses?

Therapeutic horse back riding.

How did horses help us gain wealth and power?

Now horses help us by being in the mounted police, shire horses and cobs and horses like that can pull things along for us and horses also help by teaching us to ride them back then they were used for chasing animals so that the person could spear them, pulling things along and letting people ride them! I hope that was the back then time that you wanted!

Why are horses trustful?

The the reason I think horses a trustful is because they help releave stress that is why the are used for therapy riding. Horses also have a way to help you brain relax when you ride the. For example a in a book (true story) this little boy could not talk then when he meet this nice mare (female horse) he started to talk.

What kind of therapy helps horses?

A thing called join-up. It's hard to explain in one answer box, but look it up on YouTube. Maybe add 'Monty Roberts' in your search box.A:There is massage therapy for horses that can help work out kinks in his/her spine and back and a few other places.

Are horses used in psychology?

Yes, they are commonly used in therapy programs with everything from mentally and physically disabled people to programs geared specifically for veterans dealing with PTSD. And many higher dollar programs in self help often incorporate the use of horses as "mirrors" so to speak, to reflect back to us our own emotions and state of mind, which horses are quite good at.

What is magnotherapy on horses?

Magnotherapy is a therapy treatment that uses magnets to treat disorders such as arthritis and pain from torn muscles. It can also help to heal injuries faster.

Do horses and ponies have jobs?

Yes. They can be therapy horses, lesson horses, competition horses, ranch horses (like working cattle, etc), plow horses, police horses, and a few other jobs that I cant think of off the top of my head.

Which animal help us?

Lots of animals help us some of them are 1.Dogs 2.Cats 3.Horses 4.Cattle