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Q: How can tropism not help plants?
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How does tropism benefit plants?

This is by photosynthesis

Need a sentence for the word hydrotropism?

Hydro-tropism is a word for plants growing away from moisture. There are many plants which exhibit hydro-tropism.

Describe the difference between a response and a tropism?

There is a slight difference between a response and a tropism. Response is simply any form of reaction to simulation while tropism refers to the directional movement response in plants.

Define tropism and give two examples?

The plants reaction to the environment.

What is the plant's response to the stimulus?

Tropism is the response plants have towards external stimulus.

What is a plant response to a stimulus called?

Tropism is the response plants have towards external stimulus.

Examples of plants that undergoes plant tropism?

a climbing vine

What is a plant's movement away from or toward a stimulus?

Tropism is the movement of a plant away from or toward a stimulus. The most easily found example of tropism is a plant's response to light. Plants tend to grow toward the light. This tendency is called 'phototropism'.

The name of the response of plants to light?

a "tropism"; geotropism for response to gravity and phototropism for response to light

Define the word tropism please help need it for an exam on Friday help aye bezzi?

an orientation of an organism to an external stimulus, as light, esp. by growth rather than by movement. like phototropism...plants bend to where the light is showing geotropism...plants roots grow downward with respect to the force of gravity hydrotropism....plant roots strench down to where water is negative tropism....when a plant that is in the shade bends to where the sunlight is

What causes a tropism?

Tropism is where the plant moves toward something, that is called positive tropism. And when it turns away from something, that is called negitive tropism