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yes they can. Only if you're born that way which then means you are called an hermaphrodite

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Q: How can two sexual organs grow in a person?
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What the meaning of Hermaphrodite in Hindi language?

Hermaphrodite in Hindi is called "नपुंसक या किन्नर" (Napunsak or Kinnar), which refers to a person having both male and female reproductive organs.

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Pubic connected with the part of a person's body near their sexual organs: pubic hair , the pubic bone pubis one of the two bones that form the sides of the pelvis.

Can a human hermaphrodite impregnate herself?

There are two types of hermaphrodite, True and Pseudo. Pseudo-Hermaphroditism This is when an embryo received too much or too little of the androgens it required to develop its sexual organs properly and as a result forms something in the middle of going to the complete wrong gender. Genetics is the definition of gender but appearance of sexual organs is affected by these hormones. These hermaphrodites are infertile as they will possess one type of sexual tissue (testicles or ovaries) but will not have the correct sexual organs (penis or uterus) to facilitate its use. True-Hemaphroditism This is VERY rare indeed and it is where a person has both sexual tissues within their body. I am afraid I can offer no explanation for this type but perhaps someone can. I do know however that it is still impossible for the person to impregnate themselves.

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You are rather vague. But it means that a Grand Jury has found enough "shown good cause" to indict a person on two separateinstances of in which on two separate times or to two separate people a person has committed the crime of Sexual Battery.

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These two organs are the lungs.The lungs are these two organs.

Which of the plant's four main organs contains the reproductive organs?

The flower is the plant organ that contains the reproductive organs, including the pistil (female reproductive part) and stamens (male reproductive parts). The flower is responsible for producing seeds through the process of pollination and fertilization.

If you touch a girls buttock are you raping her?

Without consent, this is considered sexual assault. Rape is defined as the crime of forcing another person to have sexual intercourse without consent and against the victim's will. Sexual assault is when a person intentionally touches another person in a sexual nature and the other person doesn't give consent. However if the two of you are dating and she lets you or if you know it's Ok then do it :P

What do you call a person with two reproductive organ?

If they are a male and female reproductive organs they are called hermaphrodites.

Which Two organs are connected by the oviducts?

The oviducts connect the ovaries to the uterus in the female reproductive system. They serve as a conduit for the egg to travel from the ovary to the uterus, where it may be fertilized by sperm.

How many bones in the human body never grow once a person is born?

Zero. All bones will grow once a person is born.