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Q: How can variables effect the outcome of an experiment?
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How do the test variables (independent variables) and outcome variables (dependent variables) in an experiment compare?

The test variable (independent variable) controls the outcome variable (dependent variable).

Variables in an experiment whose effect you are testing?

'Known' Variables

What is the differences between dependent variables and controlled variables in an experiment?

Controlled variables are things that may effect the outcome of an experiment, like temperature are pressure or the amount of some substance used. Dependent variables are those which change due to the conditions mentioned above. These might be speed of the reaction, or the quantity of some product.

All the factors that could affect the outcome of an experiment are called?

Extrinsic variables.

How many variables are tested in a controlled experiment and why?

It depends on the experiment. Normally only one is tested at a time because they can affect the experiment. Variables are tested in a controlled experiment to see whether they affect the outcome and also how.

What is something you change in an experiment to effect the outcome?

A variable.

What is a factor that does not change in a experiment?

A constant factor is one maintained unchanged throughout an experiment so that it does not affect the outcome. These are also referred to as controlled variables.

Define manipulated responding and controlled variables?

the controlled variables are the factors that are kept constant during an experiment. if they are not kept constant then they may affect the outcome of the experiment. the manipulated variable is the factor that is different between the experiment and the control. the responding variable is the variable that is being measured in the experiment.

What is manipulated variables in experiment about boiling point of water?

Manipulated variables are variables that a scientist deliberately adds in to tweak the outcome of his or her experiment. For instance, a scientist may choose to add certain compounds into a pot of water to see if it may affect the boiling point.

What is the controlled variables on an experiment?

-conditions or events that could affect the dependent variable (outcome of an experiment) but do not, because they are held constant for for both the experimental and control group.

Why do you need a controlled experiment?

In order to conclusively prove or disprove something. i.e an uncontrolled experiment will have so many variables that nothing can be conclusively proven from it, since it could be argued that the outcome could have been caused by any of the uncontrolled variables. Whereas by controlling some of the variables, the ability to prove that one variable links to a certain outcome is easier to establish.

When an experiment shows that one variable makes another change and no other variables have any effect the experiment shows?
