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The gills have external slits that bring water two the gills. A fish can draw water in through it's mouth, but when the mouth is closed, these slits cycle water past them.

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because it won't scare it's prey.

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Q: How can water be brought to the gills when the mouth is closed?
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How octopus breath by lungs or gills or trachea?

The beak-like mouth of an octopus is located on the mantel cavity at the back of the bulbous head of the octopus, surrounded by the eight legs. The mouth is the entryway to the mantle cavity which has gills inside of it. The octopus uses these gills to breathe. Water is brought into the octopus mouth and is then passed through the gills back into the body of water. As the water is pushed over the surface of the gills, oxygen is picked up by the blood in the capillaries of the gills.

What is the path of water taken into a fish's mouth?

In through the mouth, out through the gills.

Structures to obtain resources for fish?

taks water through its mouth and pushs the water through its gills

Does the mouth of a fish connect to the gill chamber?

yes they swallow water and expel the used water out their gills.

How do fish take in oxygen?

The fishes gills are like filters. when water goes in a fish's mouth, it goes through the gills, which filter out the oxygen.

Do fish blow bubbles?

Fish do not breathe through their mouth like humans. They have gills which the use to filter the oxygen from the water.

How does a fish get oxygen for irespiration?

Fish inhale water through their mouths, and then close the mouth, forcing this water through the gills and out the gill operculum. The gills extract oxygen from the water, and excrete CO2.

How do fish breath if there was no o2 in water?

Yes. The fish does not use its mouth to breathe. It uses its gills.

How do fish breathe in fish tanks?

people have lungs that enable them to breathe air, and fish have gills that enable them to breathe water _____________________________ lungfish have lungs to breathe air if there is a drought. ~metalumbreon

Does the goldfish breathe through their mouth or through their gills?

All fish (Including Goldfish) suck water in through their mouth and pass it through their gill fillaments where there is an exchange of gasses and impurities. The impurity carrying, oxygen depleted water, then returns from the gills back into the surrounding water. The gills in fish are the equivalent of lungs in an air breathing mammal and do the same job.

What is drawn fish?

If you mean drown then no, fish have gills that extract oxygen from the water as it passes Through their gills but they suffocate when the flow of water stops passing through the gills or there is a lack of oxygen in the water or when brought out of the water

What method does the fish use to breathe?

Oxygen rich water is pumped through the fish's mouth and across their gills, where oxygen is absobed and carbon dioxide excreted. The gills push the deoxygenated water out through the pharynx. So basicly they use there gills