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Water is used for hydration mostly , and we all need water or we'll die.But it can be used to cook and to cleanse wounds.

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10y ago

the solubility of water helps sea animals and aquatic plants because it is able to disolve oxygen in it which is essential for the sea plants and animals.

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Q: How can water help animals?
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If there were no plants and animals in the water, there would be an abundance of bacteria. Many plants and animals help to keep down bacteria growth in waters.

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Without water living things die, no matter what type of living thing they are.

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Water is needed for animals, plants, and humans to live.

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We can help animals affected by water pollution by learning more about the health benefits of structured water and how structured water is made by nature in the water cycle and how we can provide structured water sources for animals and for ourselves as humans.

What do animals use water for?

Animals use water to carry oxygen to their bloodstream to help them live. They do this by drinking it. Some animals use water to clean themselves or to cool down. Some live in it. Animals like humans also use it to create energy.

How does water becomes available for land plants and animals?

Not only does rain help, but also ground water!