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To determine the main idea and topic from a primary source, look for the original content, firsthand accounts, or direct evidence related to the subject. For a secondary source, identify the analysis, interpretation, or commentary on the primary source. By comparing and contrasting the information in both sources, you can extract the main idea and topic being discussed.

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Q: How can we determine the main idea and topic from a primary and secondary source?
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A primary source is an original and firsthand account of an event or topic, created at the time of the event by someone who witnessed or experienced it. A secondary source, on the other hand, is an interpretation or analysis of primary sources by someone who was not directly involved in the event or topic. Secondary sources are often based on primary sources but provide a different perspective or analysis.

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When searching for information on a topic, it is important to understand the value of primary, secondary, and tertiary sources. Primary sources allow researchers.

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Yes. It is document detailing a person's actual journey or involvement, therefore it is exclusively a primary source. It is not an analysis of different primary sources, which would make it a secondary source and it is not an overview of a general topic, which would make it a tertiary source.

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Yes, it is it comes from another person. It depends. A quote from a person who experienced your topic would be a primary source.

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They are usually secondary sources, but can be a primary source depending on the topic of the dissertation. If you are looking for primary sources you might be able to find many primary sources within the bibliography of a dissertation, since most of these scholars would have most likely referred to primary documents while drafting their dissertation.

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Yes, a book is a good example of a primary information resource because it presents original research or information on a particular topic written by the author. It can offer in-depth analysis, detailed explanations, and authoritative insights on the subject matter.

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Answer this question… Information about the topic of the source, including its historical significance or possible applications it could have to the present day

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You need to answer this question question because we don’t do homework. You have the source you read as well as your essay topic. We don’t write essays for students.

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secondary data source on which you rely on what other people have already published about the topic at hand.

What is tertiary information?

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