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Back in the day, people could dig a well on their land. That was before aquifers began to get too low and you had to apply for permission to dig a well. Also, most communities still expect that the water and sewer bill will be paid since you are connected to the infrastructure.

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Q: How can we get underground water at our homes?
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Related questions

How is water sent to homes?

through pipes underground that are under pressure.

How is water supplied to your homes?

It is supplied, under pressure, through a system of underground pipes.

How aquifers replenished?

An aquifer is an underground stream. It gathers water from rainstorms, snowstorms, and water discharged from homes and farms.

Did the egyptians build underground homes?

No they did not. They had homes on the surface.The underground homes were for the dead in the tomb inside the pyramids for the nobles and simple burial for the commoners.

Why did the vikings build their homes underground?

because they were protected from the weather underground.

What kinds of homes did the anasazi's live in?

At first they lived in underground homes but as they developed they built their homes in the sides of canyons and mesas

Is underground water called as fresh water?

Underground water is called underground water, because it is "underground" not because it is fresh or salt. You can have underground salt water reservoirs just like you can have fresh water ones.

Is underground water called fresh water?

Underground water is called underground water, because it is "underground" not because it is fresh or salt. You can have underground salt water reservoirs just like you can have fresh water ones.

Is water well for underground water or surface water?

Underground water is cleaner.

How do you know that there is water underground?

you know when there is water underground when you here the sound of water...(underground)...or see water on your lawn when there is no liquid to be found... : )

Is it surface water or underground water?

what is the upper surface of ground water

Why are underground homes sometimes used in Iceland?

Iceland is almost on the Arctic Circle, so the climate there is often extremely cold. The ground is a great insulator with respect to heat. Underground homes anywhere in the world can remain at a constant comfortable temperature with very little help from artificial heating or cooling. Consider the fact that public utilities distribute water to homes via underground pipes. No matter how cold it gets outside, when you open the faucet, it still comes out liquid.