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it isn't the cells that make peoples races different it is there DNA that makes people black or white

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Q: How can white cells tell your cells from foreign?
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What are the jobs of white blood cells?

They kill foreign germs or cells

What blood cells surround and digest foreign organisms in your body?

White blood cells

Which cells are able to protect the body by engulfing foreign cells or producing anitibodies?

White blood cells

Circulate in body and attach to foreign substances?

White blood cells attach to foreign objects and also help fight disease and sickness.

Which cells are able to protect the body by engulfing foreign cells or producing antibodies?

White-Blood Cells. Either Pathogens, or Lymphocytes.

What is available in white blood cells but not red?

White blood cells are a part of the immune system, they attack and destroy foreign entities in the body. White bloods cells have a nucleus, whereas red blood cells do not.

Distinguish between red blood cells and white blood cells?

White blood cells: Destroys foreign materials. Red blood cells: transport oxygen throughout the body.

Cells that identify pathogens and distinguish one from another called what?

White blood cells identify foreign or harmful cells

What helps the white blood cells?

The antibodies help the white blood cells to detect and identify foreign particles, by attaching to the anti genes.

What is the fucntion of red and white blood cells?

Red blood cells carry oxygen and carbon dioxide. White Blood Cells fight foreign materials in the body.

How are white cells functioned?

White blood cells destroy bacteria and viruses found in your body by releasing enzymes and proteins to break down the foreign cells then consuming it.

Why is the white blood cell important?

White Blood cells are the cells that fight off diseases, viruses, or other unhealthy foreign contaminants.