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In the Old Testament, there are 2 expressions for 'the East.' The first is anything on the east side or eastern is termed "what is Before" (meaning the near East). The second is anything FAR to the east or distant as the rising of the sun is termed "rising of the sun" (meaning distant east).

The New Testament account of the Magi in Matthew 2, one who followed the Hebrew quite closely in every way, has 2 expressions in the Greek in like manner as the O.T. examples above. The first to describe areas east of Palestine where Matthew says the Magi are from these 'eastern parts' is the Greek 'ton anatolon' or distant East. The second where the Magi see the star IN the east in the Greek is 'te anatole' which was actually west of where the Magi were but east from the Palestine viewpoint or Near East.

It all comes down to where one is in regards to Palestine at the time. Finally, try to keep in mind that what your are reading if not in the original Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek, you are reading the translators term. This does not always give you the best translation nor does it allow you to easily notice differences in words being used. A Bible tool is a great aide here. Concordances come to mind but Commentaries also shed important distinctions upon terms.

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Q: How can wise men from the east see a star in the east?
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Did the 3 wise men see a star in the east or were they in the east and saw a star?

The three wise men were from the east as they said we have seen a star in the east and have come to follow it to look for a king. Sounds kind of confusing but the Star of Bethlehem moved. The star rose in the east and set in the west. The 3 wise men are probably from Persia and saw the star rise while they were still in Persia. The followed the star for a long time until finally it appeared to have stop moving; that is when they arrived in the land of Judea. This moving star could have been a Supernova, Comet or something completely supernatural, but this explains why the men from the East saw a Star rise in the Wast and traveled West. Matt 2:8-10 "After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen when it rose went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were overjoyed."

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The Wise Men or Magi followed the Star of Bethlehem (also called the "Christmas Star") to find Jesus.

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The three wise men did not use magic. They depended on their intuition, their eyes were opened to see the star and were guided by this.

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Wise men from the east came to see Jesus in Bethlehem, who was at that time a young child.

If the three wise men came from the Iraq or Iran region which has been inferred how could they have been coming FROM the east to see the baby Jesus in Bethlehem?

This is a possibility because those countries are east of Israel.

How do the three wise man relate to Christmas?

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Did the wise men or the shepherds first see the star of Bethlehem?

A:The star of Bethlehem is only in Matthew's Gospel and we should not place this event in Luke's Gospel, which contains an entirely different nativity story. There is no suggestion that the shepherds ever saw the star.

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Acc to the Bible, those 3 wise men travelled to the "Creche" by following a star to see a baby. Apparently this was when it all started; the Year 1AD.

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