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Q: How can you Explain how the major beliefs and practices of Brahmanism in India evolved into early Hinduism?
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How are the beliefs and practices of brahmanism reflect in modern day Hinduism?

well brahminsm had different beilfs then th aryan did so yup

What did Hinduism start as?

according to scholars Hinduism started as Brahmanism when aryans came to indus valley. Brahmanism adopted popular faiths and beliefs from other religions and evolved into Hinduism.

What religion developed out of brahmanism?

Hinduism developed out of Brahmanism in ancient India. The transition from Brahmanism to Hinduism occurred over time, with the incorporation of new beliefs, practices, and deities into the religion. Hinduism became more inclusive and diverse, allowing for a wider range of spiritual practices and philosophical ideas.

How did brahmanism evolve into Hinduism?

Brahmanism came into contact with different beliefs and faiths of Dravidians and other civilisations, they adopted the best parts from every other culture and included it into Brahmanism. with time the change was so drastic that it developed as Hinduism.

How important is Indias geography to the beliefs of Hinduism?

very much important, Hinduism was originally Brahmanism. Aryans invaded India with this Brahmanism & Ultimate it became Hinduism as we know today.

What changes in worship took place as Brahmanism became Hinduism?

Old gods became less important and people began to doubt that carrying out precise rituals were as important as the priests had claimed.

What were the main beliefs and practices of Brahmanism How are those beliefs and practices reflected in modern-day society. What did these classes come to be known as Be able to describe each o?


What are the main beliefs and practices of Hinduism?

bob choi

How did how did Brahmanism develop into Hinduism?

Brahmanism was formed when Lord Brahma gave birth to their sons. Soon their sons populated this earth with their children and Hinduism was born.

Is Hindu form of Buddhism?

No, Hinduism and Buddhism are two separate religions, even though they share many beliefs about compassion, kindness and charity. As it was Hinduism was in its infancy when Buddhism started. Ancient Hinduism was more closer to Brahmanism than the Hinduism that exists today.

What two religions mixed to form Hinduism?

India was mother land for Dravidian, when Aryans Invaded India their and Dravidian culture began to blend. These two quite different cultures slowly blended into one and modern Hinduism was born.

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