

How can you be a better drummer?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Q: How can you be a better drummer?
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Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan was better. The new drummer is not as good.

Who is the better drummer Jimmy the rev Sullivan or Avenged Sevenfold current drummer?

If you mean who helped finish their latest album and did the tours.. its Mark Portnoy from Dream Theater, hes a better drummer.

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Kind of a weird question to be asking since half of Dragonforce`s songs are done with a drum machine and Neil Peart (drummerr of Rush) is on of the best technical drummers in the world. The answer is rush`s drummer.

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If the drummer is not a Percussionist. Then the drummer has no chance at all.

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You can "called" them a drummer, or percussionist.

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Ron Gannaway is her current drummer. He is the bald drummer.

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the German for 'drummer' is 'schlagzeuger'. :)

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Keith Moon is the drummer for The Who.

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Drummer = Ta timubalau