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I am very open minded and I have nothing against religion, but this question has always been on my mind. The idea of Christianity is so absurb, it's very hard for me to understand how anyone could so deeply with all their heart believe in it.

It's just a completely different mindset i guess.

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Q: How can you be a conservative Christian?
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No. Believing in God and being a conservative do not have to go hand in hand.

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How many members are in the Conservative Christian Fellowship?

Conservatively speaking... only a few.

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2.1 per household on average

Is Christian conservative?

A conservative Christian is one who reads The Bible, thinking it was inspired by God but only written by humans therefore containing errors.A fundamentalist Christian is one who thinks The Bible is true word for word therefore not believing in things like dinosaurs.A liberal Christian is one who believes the Bible is so old that is is to be interpreted and the stories are more like metaphors than real life.Hope this HelpsA believer in Christ who has a conservative political view (basically it's: what you reap is what you sow. Sow good things, and you will reap good things, and visa versa.) Most Christians are conservative.

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A Muslim man is only allowed to marry Muslim, Christian or Jewish woman, but should be modest and conservative women.

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Because there was a perceived lack of a third party with conservative christian values.

You are a very conservative Christian like the Duggars will people like you nevertheless?

Some people will, some people won't.

Should a Christian be Apolitical?

No one is "apolitical". If a Christian chooses to be removed from the political process but supports the current system, he/she may very well be just an uninvolved conservative or libertarian.