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show them you care about them.... take the time to listen to them... make sure your not the only one talking... love them and make sure they know it... =)

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Q: How can you be a friend of someone?
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What are Romeo and his friend going to do at the ball?

romeo find rosaline romeos friend try to find someone better looking and "better for romeo

My guy friend won't go to my dance with me?

If he is just your friend chances are he does not want to go for a variety of reasons such as he does not feel that two friends should go to a dance together as he only sees you as friends and doesn't want to give you the wrong idea, he may not like dances, he could have other plans that evening, he could have interest in someone else and does not want to give them the wrong idea of you two being together or he may just be nervous. If your friend does not want to go with you then so be it - don't be pushy with this just ask someone else.

Plato is your friend Aristotle is your friend but your greatest friend is truth Who is the fourth friend?

You are the fourth friend.

What does sympathize?

When a friend is going through a difficult time and is feeling badly, you might sympathize with your friend. This means that you in some way share the grief with your friend, or express feelings of sorrow that your friend is in pain. In another context it can also mean that you are in agreement, fully or partially, with someone's position. In this context it can have little or nothing to do with feelings. For example, you may be having a discussion about politics and someone expresses some factual evidence supporting his/her position. Even though you might come to a completely different conclusion, you might say that you sympathize with that person regarding the factual evidence. Using the word this way, it can even have a bit of a cynical flavor, depending on your delivery.

What does expression mean in drama?

Facial Expression means when you look at someone or something in a certain way. E.g. When you smile at someone or wave it makes them feel welcome, whereas if you look at someone in a nasty way and just keep staring at them it makes them feel uncomfortable and unwelcome. If you do not understand ask a friend who is good at drama or ask your parents to help you understand.

Related questions

What is a true best friend?

A true best friend is someone you can trust and someone who treats you kindly and never lies to you. A best friend is someone you can depend on, someone who you can share your sad times with and your funny times with. A true best friend is someone you can tell anything to!

What is the diff between a mutual friend and just a friend?

a mutual friend is someone who is friends with someone on your contact list.

If someone says that you are not a friend then what are you considered as?

If someone says that you are not a friend, it means that you are not considered as their friend.

What is the difference between close friend and best friend?

a close friend is someone you can talk to, and do things with. A best friend is someone you can tell anything to.

If someone is your friend on your Facebook can you consider them your friend?

depends on who it is?

Who would be a good friend?

A good friend would be someone that you have some things in common with; someone that you trust; someone that you respect and that respects you; someone you find easy to talk to. A good friend can like different things than you do, a good friend can disagree on certain things with you, but a good friend will be willing to discuss differences and be able accommodate the friend's feeling and beliefs. A good friend could be you.

What is a mutral friend on Facebook?

A mutual friend is someone who has one of your friends as a friend.

What is a good friend?

A good friend is someone whom you really enjoy being with and whom you really know well.A friend is someone to talk to about problems and someone whom you can see out side of school.

What does friend or foe mean?

A friend is someone who shows support . while a foe is someone who shows hatred towards others.

Can you mark someone as a friend - and how do you do that?

There isn't an 'official' way to mark someone as a friend. You can, however, put on your bio page your own personal made-up friend list. Other than that, there isn't an official way to mark someone as a friend.

How can you tell if someone is your friend or not?

=You can tell that he/she is your friend, if he/she respects you the way you do.=

What type of friend that makes you hate someone?

a bad friend