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I LOVE that question! hermit crabs have been abused for years!

hermit crabs are tropical animals. thay need 1 gallon of space per hermit crab, they also need love and attention they have personalities too.

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Can a hermit crab tell if the person is their owner or not?

yes a hermit crab can tell if a person is their owner or not.

Can a hermit crab tell if the person is their owner?

none of your bussness

Is a hermit crab a good pet?

yes they are.

What does a hermit crab grow in to?

a hermit crab

What eats a hermit crab?

What is a Hermit Crab's predator?

What if your Hermit Crab's tank doesn't smell like anything?

Its a good if it doesn't smell if it smells that can be a bad thing like ...... dead hermit crab, mold or mildew so its a good think. my tank doesn't smell that's a sign of a good tank and a happy hermit crab

How did the hermit crab gets its name?

It's term 'hermit' is not because it doesn't like other hermit crabs. The hermit crab actually loves being with other hermits. It is called hermit crab because it is only one hermit crab in the shell. It's term 'hermit' is not because it doesn't like other hermit crabs. The hermit crab actually loves being with other hermits. It is called hermit crab because it is only one hermit crab in the shell.

How do you take care of a Jamaican hermit crab?

If it is a hermit crab, then it is like any other hermit crab, so just take care of it as you would to a regular hermit crab :)

How often does a hermit crab change shells?

When ever a hermit crab grows out of its old shell it finds a new one to call home. There is no set amount of times a hermit crab will change its shells. The hermit crab will only change shells if it has grown to big for its original one. Otherwise, the hermit crab will not change shells. It all depends on the hermit crab's growth rate and size.

How much does it cost to have a hermit crab?

It depends on where you live and the owner of the store but they should not be so expensive.

Where can you get your hermit crab's shells painted?

you have to paint it urself (but it is not good for them)

What are the families of the hermit crab?

hermit crab family always helps