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If she asks, simply tell her you are old enough to have individuality and self expression and feel like experimenting with makeup Try to explain how important it is to

you. If that fails, then you'll just have to sneak it. Don't worry, sneaking isn't hard. Just put it on when you get to school.

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Q: How can you convince your mom to let you wear scene makeup if your a guy?
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Do you have to wear makeup to be cute to a guy?

no, You don't we girls are beautiful without makeup not matter what.

What makeup do guys like girls to wear?

It depends on the guy, however most of them don't like when females wear makeup

How do you get a guy to like me I don't like makeup?

Just be yourself, and you will find someone who likes you, even if you don't wear makeup.

What makeup did Cleopatra wear?

the ugly kind that makes her look like a guy

How can a guy to love you?

You have to intrest him. You want to have stuff in common. A way to get a guy to notice you is to dress up and wear makeup I guess. <3 Ghosti

How do you make yourself look older?

if ur a girl wear makeup if ur a guy act mature

How do you make yourself look good for boys?

Well... Suprisengly, guys like girl's that are natural. So never wear to much makeup... I guess you can wear makeup here and their. But a guy would like you; For who you truley are not who you have to be(:

When a guy tell you he dont like to see girl wear makeup does he like you?

not necessarily. do you wear makeup? if you do then he probably doesn't or he does and just wants you to change for you guys to be together or he just flat out likes you. but most likely he doesn't like you.

How do guys feel about makeup?

When you ask a guy how you look in makeup he might say yes just to get with you but as soon as you don't wear any makeup he'll dump you flat on your back so in a nutshell don't ask a guy unless he's gay other than that ask one of your girl friends

Who is the guy with the crazy makeup in the tainted love video of Marilyn Manson?

I do believe that would be joey from slipknot cx if your refering to the couch scene when the girls are dancing.

Is it a gay message when guys wear eye makeup?

No. Young guy's find it trendy to wear make-up these days and they can buy male make-up from the stores also.

Barbie girls but you are a guy so why cant guys go on barbie girls?

Guys can go on but you have to wear the short black hair and no makeup. Everyone will know you are a guy. Trust me.