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Simply press the ctrl, or control, key, and the letter N.

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Q: How can you create a new file in paint?
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How do you create and save files in MS paint?

From the menu bar click, File>New The new document will be created. Work and when you are done: from the menu bar click, File>Save Close the program. Ta Da....- Rocket Science !!

How do you use the sai paint tool where do you get the paper?

File> new

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The 'touch' command creates a new empty file in Unix.

How do you create a file and not a folder?

Depends on your type of computer windows if you click on new you should see create folder in the folder you can create a file

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go to create modes and create him .

How do you create a new file without opening it in UNIX?

cat file name

How do you create images in Adobe Photoshop?

to create new image , first open photoshop , then file->new

How do you send an image to Microsoft paint?

Control + C to copy the image, then open MS Paint to a new file and Control + V to dump or paste the image into the blank file.

How do you create a desktop shortcut for Paint?

In order to create a desktop shortcut for Paint in Windows XP, you will need to go to: Start > Accessories and Right Click on Paint. From the new window, click on "Send to Desktop (Create Shortcut)". Paint should now be available from the desktop.

What is the function of new in word ms 2007?

The New command allows you to create a new file.

How do you fix Paint NET error IO?

Try saving as a new file, thatt way it will be creating a file not saving to one.

Why don't I see a create new folder option in windows 7 windows explorer and all I see is create new zipped folder?

To create a new folder in Windows 7, simply right click on the desktop, or when you are saving the file, opt to create a new folder within the group you are saving it to. If you see a zippered file, that means your file needed to be unzipped, or decompressed, with an unzipping software such as Winzip.