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you need appropriate cooling system, some chips will be better overclockers than others. You should remove the cooler, clean the thermal paste, apply a fresh batch and then re-mount the cooler. You should not need overclocking if you replace youe system with up to date hardware.

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Q: How can you deal with a system if overheating and overclocked?
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The best way is to never let it get hot in the first place, by making sure you have a cooling system designed for an overclocked processor.

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How can you verify that a user has not overclocked their system?

You will have to know the default processor and system bus frequencies, you can find the specifications for the processor on the manufacturer's website. Once you have that information, go into the BIOS and check to make sure the speeds match, or are close to the manufacturer's specifications. If these numbers are higher, then you have an overclocked system. Just restore the processor and system bus frequencies to default values to correct the issue.

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Overheating and system failures. Watch your step and you won't have to deal with either.

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