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Q: How can you decrease the pitch of a sound?
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The pitch you hear is related to the of a sound wave?

The frequency

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When a source of sound moves toward a person what does pitch do?

As sound travels, the waves spread out and lose energy. Since the energy of a sound wave is proporitonal to it's total energy, losing energy causes the frequency to decrease. Pitch is human perception of frequenct, so the pitch drops as the waves propagate.

What happens if you change the amplitude or frequency of a sound?

The period would decrease, since the period is simply the reciprocal of the frequency. Also, the wavelength should decrease - since the speed of a wave usually doesn't depend significantly on the frequency, and the wavelength is equal to the speed divided by the frequency.

What happens to sound when Temperature decreases?

The pitch of sound decreases and the speed of sound will increase. These effects are because of the increased density of the medium. This applies to most materials: only in rare occasions does the density of a material decrease with a decrease in temperature (iron, when it changes temperature at some points, for example), resulting in the opposite effect (ask for the opposite). If the temperature goes down, the pitch of woodwind instruments go down too, but the pitch of string instruments go up.

What properties of sound determine the pitch of sound?

The pitch is determined by how high the sound is.

What property of sound determines the pitch of a sound?

It is the frequency of a sound that determines its pitch. The higher the frequency, the higher the pitch.

Pitch describes the loudness of a sound?

Pitch describes the frequency of a sound.

What is a sound that has a definite pitch?

A sound that has a definite pitch is a note.

Is pitch used to find loud or soft sound?

pitch isn't used to find sound but pitch is if the sound is loud or soft. the pitch of music may vary.

How is noise related with pitch?

Pitch refers to a sound with specific tones. The pitch of a sound is determined by the spaces between the sound waves. A sound is considered by noise by determining the level of loudness of the sound.

What is sound and pitch?

When a person talks or something crashes it forms a sound. There is sound all over the world. Sound can vary in two different ways. The pitch (not the pitch as in football pitch) of a sound and the volume of a sound. Pitch is how high or how low a sound is. A high pitched sound is like when a child talks. A low pitched sound is like when an adult talks Volume is the term for how strong or how soft a sound is. If the sound is strong then it is loud. But when the sound is soft then the sound is quiet.