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Calculate volume of molecule, calculate mass of molecule, compare to bulk density. Lower bulk density indicates empty space.

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Q: How can you demonstrate ther is space between molecules of water?
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Are there pockets of space between water molecules?

No - just space. The space has no pockets.

Why does ice have a difference difference density than liquid water?

It has a different amount of space between molecules.

Why isn't sugar infinitely soluble in water?

There is only so much space between water molecules for sugar molecules to fit.

Why isn't water denser then ice?

Water is denser than ice.The reason for this is that in liquid water the molecules are disorganized and their is little space between them. In ice the molecules are organized into a hexagonal crystal structure that puts extra space between the molecules.

Does boiling water have oxygen in it?

No,boiling water does not have oxygen . Cold water molecules move slowly meaning there is space between the molecules for more oxygen to dissolve. Hot water molecules move rapidly meaning the space between the water molecules is less avalible for the oxygen molecues to dissolve into.

Does heat affect the ability to dissolve sugar?

Yes, it does because hot water has molecules that spread out in the size that sugar molecules need to fit in between. In cold water, they have molecules have little space and the sugar molecules can't not fit in between.

Does a cold front cause heavy precipitation?

When air gets colder, the molecules move closer together. The space between the molecules of air is where water particles stay when they are in clouds or in the air you breathe. So, when the space between molecules shrinks because of colder weather, the water molecules are "squeezed out" of the air and form into precipitation that then falls to the ground.

What are the differences in the way water molecules move in cold room temperature and in hot water?

Water molecules have more space between each other in cold room temperature than hot water.

Why the level of water remains same when a pinch of salt dissolve in it?

Because the particles of the salt get into the intermoleculer space between the molecules of water

When 50 mL of ethanol is mixed with 50 mL of water a solution forms The volume of the final solution is less than 100 mL Propose an explanation for this phenomenon?

Because some of the molecules fit in between each other, filling in the gaps normally between molecules in these substances.

Why does 1 cup water 1 cup rubbing alcohol equal less than 2 cups?

Because water and rubbing alcohol are mutually soluble. Liquids have quite a bit of empty space between the molecules. When something is soluble, its molecules will fit in the spaces between the molecules of the liquid. So water molecules fit in beween alcohol molecules, alcohol molecules fit in between water molecules, and the mixture takes up less room than the 2 separate liquids.

Why energy is needed to melt ice and how this is explained by the structure of ice and water?

Think about how ice melts into water. By adding heat! Heat is a form of energy, and by adding heat, we can change ice to water. This is explained well by the structures of ice and water. Ice is a solid, and its molecules form rigid networks with space between molecules and are not easily broken. Water is a liquid, and its molecules are constantly moving around one another, leaving little space between molecules. Therefore, when heat energy is added to ice, the rigid bonds between molecules in the ice break, and they are free to move like a liquid.