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Q: How can you describe the word hate?
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What colors describe hate?

There are a few colors which can be used to describe hate as well as anger. Colors which describe hate and anger include the colors of black and red.

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A transverse wave consisting of changing electric fields and changing magnetic fields

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What is the French word for the English word hate?

To hate = haïr, détester. Hate (noun)= haine. To say I hate you to a person then say I haine you.

What verbs describe the word opportunity?

Opportunity is a noun and verbs don't describe nouns.Adjectives describe nouns.good opportunitymissed opportunityrare opportunityVerbs show actions eg walk, run, build, hammeror states eg love, hate, know, like

What are some nouns that describe hate?

Nouns do not describe; nouns are persons, places, things, or ideas. Adjectives are words that describe a noun.Adjectives that might describe the noun hate:MaddeningFrustratingdestructiveupsettingvengefulignorant

What is the latin word for hate?

Hate (noun) - odium. To hate - odire.

What part of speech is the word hate?

The word hate is a verb. The past tense is hated.

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Is hate an abstract noun or a common noun?

The noun 'hate' is an abstract noun, a word for intense or passionate dislike; a word for an emotion.A related abstract noun is hatred.The abstract noun form of the verb to 'hate' is the gerund, hating.The concrete noun form of the verb to 'hate' is hater, a word for a person.