

Best Answer

For the United States, information can be found on the homefacts website.

Type in your Address, or just City/State or ZIP code, and it will give you statistics and facts for your area. One of them being information about Earthquakes.

Please see the related link for more information.

answer2 The Geological service in your country will have maps of fault lines, tectonic boundaries, and expected earthquake activity. We had a 7.1 Richter at 10km depth this a.m. near Christchurch NZ. Woke me up!

supplement. It is possible that your city council may publish maps showing areas of suspect sub-surface geology, such as silt and sand likely to liquefy.

Earthquake areas from historical, geological and local analysis are known but expected earthquake forecast is not known to public. We have an excellent example of United States home facts website information that can be used as a model at UN level to integrate the research at regional level. The Atlas might contain the maps giving forecasting on likely earthquakes. internet information is used in most of the areas and it can update at regular intervals.

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Q: How can you determine whether or not you live in an area where an earthquake is likely to occur?
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How can you determine whether or not you live an area where an earthquake is likely to occur?

well you cant tell because earthquakes can occur any where dependeing which fault the earthquake goes to

When is an earthquake likely to occur?


Where is a major earthquake most likely to occur?

Along the San Andreas Fault in California is one likely place for an earthquake.

Where is earthquakes most likely to occur?

earthquakes are most likely to occur on the rim of tectonic plates

Where is a earthquake most likely occur?

en tu culo ..!!

Is it likely for an earthquake to occur in the us?

of course many strike in CA

What is likely to occur as a result of a major earthquake in the US?

Volcanic eruptions

Were would an earthquake most likely occur?

wherever there is a fault line

What can help predict when a volcano or earthquake will occur?

Monitoring systems such as seismometers, GPS measurements, and gas sensors can help predict the occurrence of a volcano or earthquake by detecting patterns and changes in the Earth's activity. Scientists analyze these data along with historical trends to make informed predictions about potential volcanic eruptions or seismic events. However, predicting the exact timing and magnitude of such events remains challenging due to the complexity of Earth's processes.

What time of year will a earthquake most likely occur?

there isnt a specific time, the seasons do not affect when an earthquake occurs

How can you determine if you live in an area where earthquakes are likely to occur?

You can determine if you live in a area were earthquakes are likely to occur by going on line and looking for past seismographs in your area.

Why is it important to know where earthquake damage is likely to occur?

to prepare for it and save lives