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Pooping in a gas station bathroom

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Q: How can you develop mold in your underwear?
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What happens if you don't change your underwear?

you smell, and mold grows on you, and you may die.

Can you develop mold allergies later in life?

yes, you are able to develop mold allergies at any time during your life time. if you are exposed to toxic mold you can become allergic to its effects.

Can mold spores develop in cake mix?

spores can't develop without a mushroom or fungus

When do spores develop into new slime mold?

when the organism reatracts yeet

What happens to strawberries under warm temperatures?

They can get dry or they can develop mold.

When are strawberries bad for?

They are going bad when they get mushy. They have officially gone bad when they develop mold.

Can shower bath curtains grow mold?

Yes, shower bath curtains can grow mold. If they are not washed with a bathroom cleaner or non-staining bleach, they will develop a soap scum and then mold. Aim to clean your bathroom once a week to prevent mold growth.

What can you do to make it less likely that your home will develop common house mold?

Mold requires moisture, food and air. Since many building materials that a makes up a house is organic matter that is food for mold, the easiest way to minimize mold growth is to minimize moisture indoors.

How does bread develop mold after a period of time?

Many mold spores are in ordinary air, but do not develop into large colonies right away. The preservatives in bread protect it for awhile depending on how much is added. As water vapor reaches the bread, the dissolved starch and sugar can be absorbed by the molds.

What is the root-like structure of a mold?

A windblown spore finds a area with adequate moisture and nutrients will develop hair like structure. On the medium the mold produces a fruiting structure called conidia.

Can apple juice have mold in it?

Yes, Molds can also develop in harvested fruit if it is held too long before processing

What is the most effective mold allergy treatment?

Prevention would be preferable but antihistamines, careful removal of the mold, and bleach cleansing of the area should do the trick. It should be noted that individuals with mold allergies often are allergic to penicillin. Taking medicines is considered to be effective for mold allergy treatment. When mold allergy sysmptoms develop communicate with your health practitioner and he will tell you the suitable mold allaergy treatment based on the condition. The most popular medications for the mold allargy treatment are Claritin, Clarinex and Zyrtec There are several medications avcailable to treat mold allergies most contain anthehetimine. The most effective way to treat the mold allergy is tyo remove the source of the mold.