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Q: How can you distinguish between redicle and lateral?
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the monarch butterflies eyes are black. They may have dark orange lateral filtering pigment distributed heterogeneously in the eye which helps them distinguish between many colors.

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What is a sentence for distinguish?

A common meaning of distinguish is to notice or recognize a difference between people or things. If you are color blind, you may be unable to distinguish between red and green.

Distinguish between analysis of variance and analysis of covariance?

) Distinguish clearly between analysis of variance and analysis of covariance.

Whats the definition of distinguish?

To distinguish means to recognize or make out a difference between two or more things or people. It involves identifying characteristics that set them apart from each other.

The anatomical position is not necessary to know which way is lateral vs medial in the body?

No, you need to know the anatomical position in some cases to distinguish medial from lateral in the body. The main area in which this knowledge is important runs from the elbow to the hands.