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The only way you can do this is talk to your husband privately and calmly. Some husband might get angry or shock but his the one who betrayed you, and ruined the normal life you have with him. Tell him everything that hurt you and know how you can stand with your own feet. If not go and find a divorce lawyer so he can do what you wanted, other than that, the best way is talk.

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Q: How can you divorce your cheating husband without fighting?
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In NYS you can file for a no fault divorce without getting consent from your husband. As a result, you will not need his information to serve your husband divorce papers.

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If you don't trust your husband when he is out of your sight, divorce him. If you are having trouble trusting him, you may want to examine why you are having trust issues with him. Are you cheating on him? Many women stop trusting their husband when they start cheating on them because they feel he will do the same to them. Try talking to him about your trust issues instead of me. Without trust, you do not have much of a relationship and should consider alternative arrangements.

Your husband left for another state without notice?

most chance's are he's cheating on you get a divorce he's not worth it either that or ask him if he's a wife beater don't ask just shut up.

Can a husband obtain a divorce in the US from his wife who resides in Mexico without her knowing?

It is not possible of obtain a divorce without the knowledge of any one of the couples.

If your cheating husband is buying a new business should you be concerned about your financial future?

Your husband is securing his financial future without any concern for yours. Watch out or you'll get screwed in the divorce. Yes you should be concerned. He could be spending money that is partly yours. Since he's cheating this is the time to see a lawyer and get out of this marriage. My girlfriend's husband has just left her and he has his own pharmacy business. He was going to let her have the house (big deal because he was moving in with another woman) and nothing else. Again, DIVORCE HIM NOW. Or it will be too late for you.

If your husband leaves you without a penny in California who should you call?

your husband give him a piece of your mind then your lawyer to get a divorce

Your husband wants a divorce and you don't. Can he divorce you?

Yes. In the United States you cannot force a spouse to stay married to you. Every state has no-fault divorce and even if you do not co-operate the divorce will happen eventually. It will take longer and be more costly. You should consult with an attorney who can review your situation, explain your options and help you understand what issues you need covered by a divorce agreement. If you have children you will also need a parenting plan.