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Earned income wages salaries, tips, etc the amount from box 1 of your W-2 form and the net profit from self employment income is some of the income that is used to calculate the amount of OASDI (social security and medicare taxes) (FICA) that will be withheld or paid from your wages or the net profit from a self employed business.

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Q: How can you do oasdi taxable earnings?
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How do you correct your earnings on your Social Security Statement?

Instruction on how to do so are on the Statement. Understand, SS earnings are defined very differently than income taxable, or state taxable, or FUTA, or other forms of income.

How do savings and donations help in reducing income tax?

Savings don't...unless they are done as part of a qualified savings an IRA or 401K, in which case the amount saved is deducted, or actually not included, in your taxable earnings. (Althouh under most plans when this happens, they will become taxable when withdrawn....the tax is deferred NOT "free"). generally, the earnings on savings are taxable, albeit there are some specific types of investments the income from which is not taxable (although they generally get a corresponding lower return), and some earnings. like dividends and capital gains are taxed at a lower rate. Donations (with certain restraints) made to qualified charities are deductible from otherwise taxable earnings.

What is the 2012 social security cap?

In 2012, the maximum taxable earnings for Social Security are $110,100.

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why iam I paying fed oasdi/ee and ny oasdi/ee isn't it the same thing

Do foreigners pay taxes on wages?

Yes, US earnings are taxable, (unless some political treaty with the other country is in effect).

Is taxable income less IRS allowable adjustments to income called FICA?

NO. The FICA taxes is NOT a adjustment to your gross income earnings to arrive at your TAXABLE INCOME amount that will be on the 1040 federal tax form page 2 line 43.

Is part of your earnings invested in inventory that is not sold yet still taxable?

Yes if it is earned it will be taxed when other inventory will sold then that amount will also be taxed.

What percentage of wages is withheld from your pay check for taxes by the Arizona state government?

It depends on your gross earnings; The new withholding tables are based on a percentage of gross taxable wages. "Gross taxable wages" is the amount that meets the federal definition of "wages".

What is the maximum 2004 social security withholding?

For the year 2004 the maximum earnings subject to the 6.2% social security tax was 87,900. For the year 2004 the amount was 5449.80 maximum contribution amount to the OASDI program social security benefit program.

Are unappropriated retained earnings in a c corp subject to income tax if distributed to shareholders?

Retained earnings are retained on the balance sheet after being earned and taxed. To distribute them to shareholders, they would be dividended, which is not deductible and done with after tax money to the company, and is taxable to the recepient.

Is the money i earn from a medical clinical trial taxable?

I've never paid taxes on my study earnings and I don't know any other guinea pigs that have either.

What are the definition of federal income tax?

Federal income tax is a tax levied by the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) on the annual earnings of individuals, corporations, trusts and other legal entities. Federal income taxes are applied on all forms of earnings which comprises a taxpayer's taxable income, such as employment earnings or capital gains.