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You can't. When you die, your brain and all your nerve endings will remain on earth to rot. You won't experience anything at all.

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1mo ago

Heaven, hell, and purgatory are concepts rooted in different religious beliefs. In Christianity, individuals experience these states in an afterlife based on their beliefs and actions in their earthly life. To experience heaven, one typically seeks union with God and lives a life according to their faith. Hell is seen as a place of punishment for those who have rejected God or committed grave sins. Purgatory is a temporary state where souls are purified before entering heaven.

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What does the purgatory look like?

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What does purgatory mean?

It means when a soul dies and has not had the last rites they slip into purgatory which is neither hell nor heaven. Purgatory can be looked on as a temporary hell where a soul suffers for its unforgiven sins and then goes on to heaven. It's a Roman Catholic concept.Its a place where you go after you die if you are not worthy to get into Heaven yet, but not bad enough to go to hell

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Can one go to purgatory from hell?

According to Catholic doctrine, once a soul goes to hell, it is believed to be a permanent separation from God. Purgatory is seen as a place where souls are purified before entering heaven, so the concept of going from hell to purgatory is not a part of traditional Catholic teaching.

What did people believe about purgatory heaven and hell in the Tudor times?

Purgatory is a Catholic non-biblical based belief in a plane between heaven and hell were one's soul will amend for any sins during it's lifetime.

What does protestant believe about life and death?

Most Protestants believe in Heaven & Hell, but, no Purgatory.

What is a place not yet worthy of heaven but not meant for hell?

This is a Catholic belief, it is called Purgatory.

What did the church say happened to peoples souls when they died?

Depending on what church, heaven, hell, or purgatory.