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Q: How can you explain the Chinook wind diagram clearly?
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What is chinook wind?

Chinook wind is a strong downslope wind

How you will you explain pressure belts and winds diagram?

The Coriolis effect explains this phenomenon clearly. Pressure belts and wind belts differ in patterns depending on certain atmospheric factors like temperature.

Does a Chinook have wings?

Chinook can refer to three things: chinook salmon, CH-47 Chinook helicopter, or wind. Chinook salmon are fish; they have fins, not wings. The chinook that is wind is a warm, moist wind that blows inland in the Pacific Northwest. The CH-47 has two overhead rotors, no wings. So, no to all three.

What is a warm wind from the west called?

this wind is called a "chinook"

How are a Chinook and a sirocco alike?

they both have to do with the wind.

In weather terms a Chinook is characterized by a warm what?


What does Chinook Winds refer to?

A Chinook wind is when a wind blows along the eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains in Canada. The winds brink in warmer air raising the temperature in the winder

A wind which comes from inland?

California: Santa Ana Colorado: Chinook? An Offshore wind (as opposed to and 'onshore' wind)

What wind's name in North American Indian for snow eater?


What is a Chinook wind?

A warm dry wind that blows down the east side of the Rooky Mountains at the end of winter.

Is a cyclone a Chinook?

No. A Chinook, strictly speaking, as an easterly warm winter wind that blows down from the east side of the Rocky Mountains into Montana and Wyoming.

Can you show me a diagram for a combination Solar and Wind System?

I need a solar and wind combination diagram in order to design?