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Q: How can you explain the presence of a charge on the rubber rod after it has been rubbed with wool?
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Related questions

What is the polarity of rubber?

The polarity or charge of rubber when rubbed with the appropriate material is negative.

What type of electric charge is acquired if a rubber balloon is rubbed with a woolen cloth?

Static charge

Can an insulator be charged?

Insulating materials can acquire a static electric charge. Rubber balloons, when rubbed on woolen cloth, are a perfect example.

An inflated rubber balloon is rubbed with a wool cloth until an excess of a billion electrons is on the balloon. what is the magnitude of the charge on the balloons?


Why does a glass rod get positively charged when rubbed with rubber?

electrons are transferred from glass to rubber

What happens when a hard rubber ball is rubbed by wool?

Rubbing wool on the ball transfers electrons (negatively charged) from the wool to the ball. The excess charge builds up and produces static electricity.

What happens when a rubber rod is rubbed with a piece of fur?

normally, the rubber rod and the peice of fur has an equal number of protons and electrons, making each balanced. When you rub these two together, the rubber rod takes on electrons from the fur, giving the rod more electrons than normal. A negative charge, where as the fur loses electrons creating a positive charge.

What happens when rubber is rubbed with cotton?

Your mom gets pregnant

What is a charge on a rubber rod?

an electrostatic negative charge

What are the two rubber circles for on a horses bit?

the rubber circles are called bit guards. they are there to help prevent the lips or corners of the mouth from being rubbed by the bit

Would a salt react with plastic?

salt will react with rubber in the presence of heat, rubber can get brittle.

When two nonconducting materials such as hard rubber and fur are rubbed together what kind of electricity is generated?
