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You shouldn't feel any movement from your baby until you are several months along and quite noticeably pregnant, which eliminates the need for a pregnancy test. If you think that you may have only recently become pregnant, then you are not feeling the movement of the fetus. If you are several months' pregnant, then I urge you to go to the doctor. If your pregnancy has not been confirmed, then you are probably not getting the prenatal care that is essential to your baby's development. Call your doctor or health department, and make an appointment to get checked out. Good luck!

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Q: How can you feel the baby kicking if your pregnancy tests are negative?
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Can you be pregnant if tests are negative but sonogram shows a baby?

Yes. Home pregnancy tests only read up to a certain amount of hCG or the pregnancy hormone. Anything above that number would read negative.

What should you do if you were just told that you are having a baby but pregnancy tests say negative?

If a crazy street person told you you were having a baby, believe the tests. If a doctor told you you were having a baby, believe the doctor.

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A new chapter to ur life it doesn't necessarily have to be a baby

Can someone tell me what can cause no periods and pregnancy signs but all of the tests are negative?

You can have a false pregnancy if you want a baby very badly but I would go to a doctor and have the test done there as some OTC tests are unreliable

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Why did my pregnancy test came back negative?

I would like to hear the results of this question. I had an ultrasound that didn't now my pregnancy and I am now 6 and 1/2 months along..... Me also, I had an ultra sound last week, and it i was my 12 weeks. But the doctor said that they can't see the baby. I really felt that im pregnant and all the blood tests and pregnancy tests I took confirmed that it was positive, so why was that the doctor said that they can't see the baby! pls let us now! this is our first baby and we are so excited about it but we were very dissapointed about what the doctor said. : (

Is it possible to have a baby bump and have the home pregnancy test come out negative?

Yes home pregnancy tests aren't always effective. I suggest taking another or going to the doctor to find out for sure

How late does a baby kick?

If you're talking about a Baby in a tummy, they generally start kicking between 6-8 Months of Pregnancy.

What does negative pregnancy test mean?

you not going to have a baby

Is baby pregnancy tests effective?

Yes it is effective because it actually gives the position in which the baby is

You have had 8 negative home pregnancy tests you had an abnormal period for 3 days but now you are having another period 4 days later but you also have pregnancy symptoms so what does this mean?

I think the best thing to do would go to a doctor and get a blood test, as eptopic pregnancies (out of the womb) can result in negative pregnancy tests and spotting/bleeding. if you are pregnant you would need to have a scan to see if the baby is in the right place. goodluck

Can you be pregnant if you take 2 pregnancy tests the first one is positive the second negative?

I would go to the doctor for a blood test to be sure, but I don't see why it couldn't be possible. Sometimes there are errors with home pregnancy tests, and sometimes they are incorrect. There is also the possibility that you have started to loose the baby and that is why it came back as negative in the second test, although I would hope that is not the case. Good luck!