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When atoms lose or gain electrons, they are called ions. As electrons are negatively charged, it is when they gain electrons that they become negative ions, if they lose electrons they become positive ions.

They can also form ions in pairs. for example

sodium atom (NA) gives up it's outer electron and becomes an NA+ ion.

the chlorine atom (CL) picks up the spare electron and becomes a CL- ion.

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Is an ion is a charged particle?

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What a ion?

An ion is a positively or negatively charged atom or molecule.

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When an atom gains an electron it becomes an ion with a charge of negative one. This charge comes from the electron's negativity, which changes the atom's balanced ratio of electrons to protons.

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a positively charged sodium ion and a negatively charged chlorine ion.

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A negative charge attracts a positive charge and repels a negative charge. OPPOSITES ATTRACT ;)

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