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Q: How can you get breyer horses for sale for only 7 dollars and lower?
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Related questions

Do breyer horses have metal in them?

Breyers do not have metal in them and are only produced with plastic.Breyer horses are molded with plastic and are hollow inside, which allows the Breyer to be lighter in weight.

How do you get your horse to be a breyer model?

Only nationally or world-famous horses are made into Breyer models. Once a horse reaches that level, Breyer may choose to consider it :)

Can you buy breyer horses at Walmart in Ontario?

Noooo... probably not. They only sell Breyer horses at local tack shops and maybe some toy stores. But don't worry, there's always E Bay!

Can you put Breyer model horses in the oven without them melting?

Only if the oven is turned off.

How can you get your horse molded into a breyer horse?

this isn't the best answer, but you need to search online for someone who works for reeves or breyer, then ask them... I'm not sure they will let you, and anyways only you would get it because breyer makes models of ''famous'' horses, but good luck anyways!

How do you make breyer horses?

... you can't breed plastic horses. but only the people breed the breyer horse Check out this website- it is rather interesting... You Must Know that Breyer Horses are not really so it is hard to make them Run little own Breed them just get three breyer hMare or stallion and Foal or colt let you brain do the work

Where is the actual breyer store located?

there is no "actual" breyer store,but there is a store called "tripleBmodels" That only carries Breyers,and breyer accessories

Does Kmart have special Breyer horses just for that store?

No. So far, the only stores that have store-specific models are Tractor Supply Company and JC Penny.

Where do you find breyer wolves?

in some stores but mosly on because they only make humans and horses now so they don't make any more other animals

Where can you find a list of issue prices for Breyer horses?

Well, the only way that I know of is that when you buy a breyer horse, there is a minature catalouge that comes inside the box with the horse (and rider). On one of the pages, it tells you the size, and price. Sometimes it may also show you how many different sizes they have of that size.

What is the rarest Breyer horse?

I would say those that have been customized, since they are the only one of their kind. Agreed by dandy2010day. I do Breyer.

Is there a breyer horse fest in Colorado?

no only in lexington ketucky