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you click the internet button even i know that and im three

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Q: How can you get on the Internet with the nook?
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Why is your nook tablet not connecting to the internet?

I cannot answer your question since my Nook Tablet connects just fine with the Internet.

How do you connect wi-fi to a nook?

You have to have wireless internet to connect wi-fi to a nook.

Do you need high- speed internet to read with a Nook?


What does 3 g's mean on a nook?

You can take it out anywhere in the US, and still have internet connection. I find that feature very appealing about the Nook.

Can you play RuneScape on the nook?

yes you can, if you have a nook and if you can play games on the internet then what is the point of having a nook.!!.

Which has better internet the nook or the Kindle?

Kindle 3 is better because it's free if you get the 3g version.. and k3 is better then nook black and white in contrast since it's newer, so reading online is better - also, nook does not have text to speech. Text to speech makes internet much more fun... Nook color has no 3g, just wifi.

Does the nook color have a texting app?

you have to go on internet and go to the apps! then if its not there go to google on your nook and ask them!

Is a nook just for reading books or can you use the web also?

Yes, you can get on the web using its WIFI feature. One nook also has a 3G feature so you can always buy books from anywhere you go, internet or no internet.

Which is the best iPad or ipod?

The iPad is the best and it is Freaken Huge with internet and it is like a nook

What does a nook HD do?

It let's you buy movies, books and apps at the store, it can go on the internet, ( I am using my Nook HD+ to answer this question) it has cosswords, Pandora, e-mail, music and more! I have one so I know what it does. Have fun on your Nook HD+!

Is A Nook Basically A Book?

In its simplest form, yes, it is an electronic book. The newer versions of the Nook have more features including Internet access and a built-in media player.

What is the nook used for?

The nook is used to read childrens and adult books. In childrens books you could read it yourself or the nook could read it for you. You could look in the internet and downlowd stuff from the internet. It also has apps.