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don't get mad its life that's how god made humans none of us are perfect.

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Q: How can you get over thinking your boyfriend is going to cheat on you we fight about it all the time now I think he wants to leave because we fight all the time about it what do i do?
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that depends, if he's ever cheated on you then no, if he tends to get drunk or high or anything else were he's not thinking straight no, and if you all fight constantly theres a possibility he might fool around and put himself in a bad position. if none of that's happening then i would trust him

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Stop thinking in terms of "we aren't compatible"; that is what leads to most of your problem. Think about him as your partner - why does he always fight with you? If it is because you do things that you know upset him, then stop doing them. If it is because he has different interests or schedules to you, then try to work around that.

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do you love your boyfriend? and if so tell your boy friends that you love them as a friend and and if the like you then they well not fight over you because they might try to say there in-till it's over with you and your boyfriend well it might work because it worked for me when i was in 5th

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mga boang cheat jude_boang cheat fight of characters come inn/.....

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when you and your boyfriend fight about another guy that is either insecurity or jealousy

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Cheating is not allowed on Fight My Monster.