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a solution of warm water and vinegar and a little dish soap has work for me.... then suck it out with a shop vac or hand held shampooer to pull it all out....then repeat with vinegar solution again as many times as needed. there is something in the vinegar that nuetrelizes the urine.

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Q: How can you get the smell of urine out of your couch cushions?
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Can you wash couch cushions?

Yes you can was you couch cushions but follow the directions below: Take the covers off (the unzip) and throw them in the washer with detergent, then the dryer. I recommend fabric softener mainly for the smell.

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Febreeze works. Just test it on a small unnoticeable part of the couch first to check and see it it will stain your couch. If it doesn't then spray the couch, especially the cushions.

How do you clean a urine-soaked couch?

Clean the couch with a mixture of vinegar and Pine Sol. That should remove the smell and the stain. D-Molish Now also does a great job of removing the smell and the soaked urine.

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I often find them between couch cushions, or under a couch or chair.

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No, because sofas should always come with removeable couch cushions for the satisfaction of the consumer.

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Try a special enzymatic dog urine remover (available at any pet store). They work the best.

How do you remove dog urine from couch?

Put dog outside where they belong and buy a new couch, because urine has ammonia in it and the smell will never go away only fade. Well can use 1 part vinegar to 2 parts water. Vinegar will remove the enzymes that make the urine smell, oh that would be the ammonia, and the smell will go. You will need to keep the dog away from the couch until it is clean and dry though, and then make sure it does not happen again.

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Couch Cushions!

You have 5 couch cushions what is something fun you can do with them?

When I had 5 couch cushions I made a fort. I left two at the top, one on each side, and one at the back. that leaves an enter/exit for you.

How do you remove back cushions on a couch?

Most of the newer couches you can't remove them their sewin onto the back of the couch

Do the couch cushions velcro on the bottom or can they be flipped and rotated?

No, they can be flipped and rotated.

What is the old cartoon with a girl who can go inside the cushions of her couch?

I think it was called something like the big comfy couch.