

How can you go down the a slide faster?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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13y ago

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Q: How can you go down the a slide faster?
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What would happen if you slide down a slide with water on it?

youd go faster, but the slide would get sticky after a while and would give someone a wedgie or pull their pants down!

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The weels would slide The weels would slide The weels would slide

How can you slide down the slide faster?

Make the slide steeper Furniture polish on the slide will speed it up.

What makes a slide faster to slide down?

for a water slide pull down your swimsuit by your but. Furniture polish on the slide, sitting on a mat or lycra trousers.

How do you make Aluminum foil slide faster than a child sliding down a slide?

Attach a rocket to it.

Why can you slide faster down a slide when you sit on a plastic or fiberglass mat?

The plastic or fiberglass has a lower coefficient of friction.

Does steep slopes pull down objects faster?

well i wouldn't realy call it pull. but they slide down. for example u place a toy car at the top of the slope then let it go. see what happens... the higher it goes the faster it rolls down!

Words that mean to go down beginning with an s?

sink (to sink down), slide (to slide down)

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down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide down the slide up the slide

Why does baby oil makes a brick slide faster?

the baby oil is slippery and that makes it go faster.

What to slide with on a slip n slide?

soap makes the slide generally go faster but if you are afraid of it getting in eyes and whatnot than water from the hose

What is a sentence with the word slide?

She smiled as she watched the children slide down the playground slide.