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I think I can help.

Assuming by breathing problems you mean coughing and gasping for breath, that is a problem my dog currently has.

This a disease that I have forgotten the name of but know about.

It is when Your bull terrier's throat swells causing your dog to cough wildly trying to breathe.

I suggest going to your local vet and asking for a injection and medication after a diagnosis.

Hoped this helped!

-Lara (10)

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Q: How can you help a Staffordshire terrier with their breathing problems?
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Adjustments, more commonly known as spinal manipulation, may be able to help some breathing problems. The biggest determinant will be what is causing the breathing problems. Spinal manipulation can increase the mobility of the thoracic spine and ribs which can make breathing easier. Also, manipulation may increase the function of muscles involved in breathing, again, making breathing easier. However, spinal manipulation has not been shown with scientific research to affect airway obstructions caused by asthma, allergies, emphysema, etc. Thus, if your breathing problems are purely mechanical (rib or spine dysfunction) then spinal manipulation will likely help 100%. If your breathing problems are caused by a conditions such as asthma, the spinal manipulation may make breathing a bit easier and improve quality of life, but it will not solve your will still need medical care.

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When someone is hyperventilating what should they do to control their breathing?

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