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Call the congress and tell them to tell the president to make this a law and tell them y

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Q: How can you help stop hunting to giant pandas?
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What can be done to help the giant pandas?

Stop killing Giant Pandas and destroying their habitats, or else they will become extinct.We can STOP DESTROYING THEIR HABITATS, STOP STEALING THEIR FOOD, AND STOP KILLING THEM!!

Why did they stop hunting pandas?

They stopped hunting pandas due to threat of extinction.

What you can do to help giant pandas?

We need to make efforts to stop people from hunting them, and stop cutting down their habitat. Make sure they are protected by laws, and the laws are fully enforced, so people stop hurting them and leave them alone.

Do giant panda help people?

Stop killing Giant Pandas and destroying their habitats, or else they will become extinct.We can STOP DESTROYING THEIR HABITATS, STOP STEALING THEIR FOOD, AND STOP KILLING THEM!!

Why did the Chinese Government stop hunting the pandas?

Pandas are one of the rarest species on earth today. Their numbers are dwindling due to hunting. Moreover some of the types of Pandas like the black and white Giant panda is only found in China. Its a major cause of Tourist inflow to China. So Chinese government banned hunting of Pandas. Pandas also help to control the bamboo population of a forest. Too many bamboo bushes is sometime adverse to the overall forest growth. Pandas feed on tender bamboo shoots.

What are you doing to stop giant pandas from becoming extinct?

stop killing them

What to do to help giant and red pandas?

Stop cutting down forests so the red pandas can eat and raise their young saftley, and so the females and males can find eachother.

What could you do to help the giant panda?

you could do a petition to tell the people making the houses to stop because pandas are getting extinct

How can the Giant Panda become protected?

The Giant Panda is already protected along with large segments of their habitat. The Giant Panda is listed as "endangered", with the population posted as "decreasing", according to the International Union of Conservation for Nature, or the IUCN Red List. The Giant Panda is protected from hunting, and poaching. They even have guards stationed at some of the sites to help stop damage to their habitat by loggers, also to stop trappers, and unauthorized personnel from gaining access to the Giant Pandas. The Chinese government is working with several groups, such as WWF, to help expand the habitat for the pandas, and to further research and broaden the Giant Panda Conservation programs. For more details, please see the sites listed below.

How can you bring back pandas?

1 stop hunting pandas for their fur 2 dont destroy their habitats 3 stop killing trees 4 Reduce Reuse and Recycle

What is being done to help preserve the giant panda species?

Laws enacted declaring panda habitats off-limits to hunting, logging, and other commercialdevelopment. Some areas were designated as panda reserves.China and several other countries have experimented with captive breeding. It took years before the first captive baby pandas were born, but since that time, the number has been constantly increasing. Special incubators were developed to assure the fragile baby pandas a better chance of survival. Scientists are now working to find nutritional supplements that can be substituted for bamboo, the current food essential to pandas.Constant research is being done to further insure the survival of these beautiful animals, but research is expensive.Recent news says they will stop funding money for pandas and spend the money on something more important.Other people think this is wrong to stop funding them because the cute panda is the logo for WWF.

What are some ways humans can help keep giant pandas from becoming extinct?

Breed them in the wild where their home is,cut down on pollution and stop cutting down their habitat.