

How can you help tigers?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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You can help tigers by making a charity! Get a lot of money and send them to refuges in the US. Find the refuge closest to you and help out. Or even donate it to your local zoo.

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15y ago
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Why do tigers need help?

Tigers need help because global warming. Second hunters hunt them,especialy the white tiggers. I love tigers!

Who help tigers?

the WWF

How do white tigers teeth help them in the wild?

White tigers teeth help them in the wild by helping them hunt for food.=0

How do people help tigers?

People can help tigers by ensuring that there is less poaching. Orphaned tigers can be migrated and given proper care until they are old enough to be released into the wild once more.

How do human humans treat white tigers?

humans treat white tigers as a friend because sometimes humans help tigers.

Why are humans raising money to help tigers?

because tigers are going extinct because of poachers.

What is being done to help tigers?

There are lots of things being done! There is zoos for tigers. There are sanctuaries just for tigers. Also we are trying to help the tigers get off the endangered list!!!! AND WE SHOULD STOP KILLING THEM AND WHO EVER IS KILLING THEM MOTHER NATURE WILL GET U BACK.

Why help endangered tigers?

because they are ENDANGERED!!!!

Can tigers help people?

Only if they are hunted. :(

What can you do to help to protect tigers?

kill a poucher

How can people help snow tigers?

People can capture and breed the tigers and set them off back into the wild.

What part of the ecosysystem help tigers?

The enviorment probbally!!