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it jus means tht u can go 2 the nurse an let him/her know ur situation an ask if there is anyway 4 u 2 get a few tampons/pads. dnt try 2 cover the smell jus try 2 fix a small problem. because if ur body decides 2 flow heavy then u may get blood all ovr ur pants an thts quiet an imbarrissing moment in ur life. how this helped out a lil bit.

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If you don't have menstrual supplies then talk to a school nurse or teacher - you need to have menstrual supplies to be able to attend school without problems like this and it's part of the schools job to ensure that you are in a position where you can learn so they will help you. In future if money is a problem you may want to consider options like cloth pads or menstrual cups which long-term save a lot of money, these also don't cause odour like commercial menstrual products.

Short-term use toilet paper or cloth folded up into your underwear whenever possible to deal with menstrual flow, as long as you change this often this will not cause bad odour - using cloth is like using cloth pads (you could make your own cloth pads if you can sew, see online for instructions on making your own pads), which are actually more hygienic than tampons and commercial pads, thus this shouldn't cause any bad odour. You could also ask your friends for tampons or pads.

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Q: How can you hide the smell of menstrual blood for two days of school if you run out of pads and tampons and cannot get any more for a week?
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Are tampons only supposed to be worn in the water or do I have to wear pads?

Tampons can be worn anytime you have sufficient flow - except overnight while sleeping, or if you have a vaginal infection. You cannot wear pads for swimming as the blood won't flow down to the pad, the pad would be saturated with water so unable to absorb blood, plus the pad would come off.To swim on your period you can use tampons, soft tampons, menstrual sponges, menstrual cups, diaphragms, or softcups - menstrual cups are by far the best option, in general and for swimming.

What are TAMPONS during menstruation?

Tampons are absorbent wads of material - rayon, cotton, natural sponge, synthetic sponge, cloth - that are inserted into the vagina during menstruation to absorb menstrual flow in order to prevent it leaving the body. Tampons are one of several menstrual products available to women, other options include pads which absorb blood when it leaves the body or cups which college the blood inside the body.

Why do women need tampons?

Tampons are used during menstruation or withdrawal bleeds, they are inserted vaginally to absorb flow before it leaves the body. Some girls wear tampons because they prefer internal options and may prefer these to menstrual cups, softcups, or menstrual sponges. Some girls do not like tampons or internal options at all so will use external options like pads or period underwear instead.

Do you have to use tampons?

No, you don't have to use tampons.You can also use options such as pads, menstrual cups, softcups, diaphragms, menstrual sponges, or you can opt to avoid menstrual products all together and instead use free-bleeding or menstrual release. It is completely up to you what you use during menstruation and there is no reason what-so-ever to use tampons when there are so many other alternative options available to you. From a medical stand point tampons are best avoided as they are not very healthy or hygienic.

What can you tell boys about tampons?

Boys can learn that tampons are a menstrual product used by some girls and women during their periods to absorb blood. It is important to understand and respect that tampons are a normal part of managing menstrual health and to be supportive of individuals who use them. Boys can also show empathy and understanding towards those who menstruate.

What are the uses of a tampon?

A tampon is a type of menstrual product used by people who menstruate to manage menstrual flow. Tampons are inserted into the vagina during menstruation to absorb menstrual flow before it has a change to leave the body. Different people use different things to deal with their menstrual flow, people may use tampons or they may use different products like sanitary pads or menstrual cups.

What can you do to hide the period while you are swimming?

To swim during your period you would need to use internal menstrual products in order to stop the blood from getting in the water - although menstrual blood is no less hygienic than other vaginal fluids, no one wants to swim through your menstrual flow. You can use any of the following options:TamponsSoft tamponsMenstrual spongesDiaphragmsSoftcupsMenstrual cupsMenstrual cups are the best option as they're far safer than tampons, this also means that unlike tampons they are safe to use during light flow. Menstrual cups are also best as unlike tampons they don't increase cramps, absorb water, have anything showing externally, or leak like tampons, so best for swimming.

Can wearing a tampon early cause you to miss your period?

Size isn't a factor, but tampons may increase bleeding. Many women notice when switching from tampons to options such as menstrual cups or pads that their flow reduces, thus there is an assumption that tampons increase flow - one reason put forward for this is the chemicals within many brands of tampons, however absorbency may also be a major factor. Tampons don't just absorb blood they also absorb vaginal moisture, this causes ulceration in vaginal tissues which could bleed and thus adding to flow - in the 1970's when super-absorbent materials were being used in tampons many women were admitted to hosppital with vaginal hemoraging, thus this theory isn't too far-fetched.

How to measure menstrual blood loss?

You can get a menstrual cup such as a Mooncup which allows you to measure flow exactly. Menstrual cups are an internal menstrual product but safer than tampons so can be worn throughout your period without needing to alternate with pads, without risk of TSS or leaking. Most menstrual cups have measuring points on the side of the cup to allow you to measure flow.

Do vampires consume menstrual blood?

Yes. Vampires can smell menstruation. Vampires will often sneak into public female restrooms, take the tampons out of the receptacles, and suck on them like lollipops.

When a girl have first menstruation can she go swim in the pool?

There is absolutely nothing that a woman can't do while she is menstruating, and that includes swimming in a pool. During menstruation in order to go swimming you need to use an internal menstrual product such as tampons, sponges, softcups, or menstrual cups in order to prevent your blood getting in the pool - although menstrual flow isn't dirty, no one wants to swim through your menstrual blood or uterine tissue! Tampons aren't recommended to younger women due to higher risks of TSS, especially for the first few cycles when you wouldn'tknow your flow pattern to know what absorbency to use - also tampons can't be worn with light flow. Menstrual cups are the best option as they are safe to use at any time without risk of TSS, including with light flow, also unlike tampons cups don't absorb water, have anything showing outside the body, and don't leak like other options either. Opt for a small menstrual cup like Ladycup or MeLuna.