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Some people hold their noses. Others put it in a spray container so you can spray the liquid without actually tasting it. Some people will put the medicine in pudding or yogurt.

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Q: How can you hide the taste of an oral liquid medication?
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well with anytype of medication you take orally or non oral once the medication is taken in its intended use your body alerts the medication in its direction for use .

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As in most mammals, the dog's taste buds are located on its tongue in the oral cavity.

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Dilaudid, e.g. hydromorphone

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The simple answer as to why dosages of oral medication differ from intravenous (IV) doses of pharmaceuticals is that to be effective, oral medication must be absorbed in the digestive system. Anything given in an IV is in you and that means all of it. Yes, your body can process out some of the IV medication, but this is different than your body having to absorb it in the gastrointestinal tract.

Is there oral medication for fever blisters?

Yes there is, you can talk to your doctor about antiviral medication. If the creams don't work for you then you can try taking the medicin.

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Trichomoniasis is not treated with creams. Oral medication is required.

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Oral medications are administered "P.O."

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Oral syringe is an instrument with the help of which a precise amount of liquidized medication (e.g. solution, suspension, emulsion) can be taken by mouth.