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make d screen of turbo C small and right click on d left most corner wid d right button of the mouse then select edit n then click mark and then again follow d same procedure to copy it.....

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Q: How can you highlight the output of a c program?
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How do you append a output of a program to a program?

you mean like show some sample output? Just put it in comments at the bottom. Run the program, and in the top left of the command prompt there is a button you can click. Select mark, highlight the output, then select copy. Paste it onto the end of the program.

Write a c program to have followiing as output?

void main() { printf("followiing"); }

C program on how to calculate circumference of a circle?

int radius = 2; int output; radius = radius * 2; output = radius * Math.PI; Console.WriteLine(output);

How do you create a program that will display output?

It must use a function with a "return" statement. Or you could output via console. (.NET CODE(C#)) Console.WriteLine("Output.");

How do you capture the output of C program in to another C program?

HIYou can first include the 1st program in ur 2nd program using # include and then whatever be the output from frst it can be used in second program.pankajThat's what popen is good for. Read the manual.

How do you get an output of a c plus plus program to be printed?

See sources and related links below.

What is output if we don't write break statement in switch-case in c sharp?

This question cannot be generally answered, the output depends on the actual program.

How can you display Hindi word in output of java program?

Class hindi { public static void main() { char c; for(c=2309;c<2362;c++) { System.out.println(" "+c); } } }

Is it stdioh in c stores source code of program?

No. That's a header file used for input and output.

What is input output console in c language?

There is no 'console' in C-language, but there is a standard input, a standard output and a standard error. They are pre-opened files (file-handles) you can use in your program without knowing what they actually are.

What is accuracy of a good program?

It depends on to what level of accuracy you tend to have with the output of your program Accuracy can be treated as: (Desired Output / Actual Output of your Program)