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The anode (negative) is red.

The cathode (positive) is black.

whoever wrote this^^^ is stupid and can't read.

while what they said is right, that only applies to wires.

with LEDs, the shorter wire i the negative, and the longer one is positive.

sometimes you might find one that's the same length, easy way to test them is to just put them to opposite ends of a battery.

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Q: How can you identify a cathode negative to an LED?
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How can you identify a cathode nigative to an LED?

LED has two pins,one is anode(positive) and the other is cathode(negative).The smaller pin is cathode(negative) and the longer pin is anode(positive).

0n an LED what are the names of the positive and the negative leg?

Anode and cathode. Anode = negative lead, cathode = positive lead.

What is the short and long legs of LED called?

Cathode (negative) is the shortest leg and there is a flat edge on the base of the LED, and it must be connected to the negative wire or "-" connection. Anode (positive) is the longest leg, and must be connected to the positive wire or "+" connection, as electricity will only pass through a LED from positive to negative.

What is the negative leg of an LED called?

The side of any diode that must be negative in order for the diode to conduct is the "cathode".

What is the difference between anode led and cathode led?

A: A LED is a diode and like all diode they have an [anode] meaning positive terminal and a [cathode] negative terminal. Therefore the proper potential must be applied for it to behave like an LED.

How can you identify a negative leg on a LED?

the negative leg is shorter than the positive leg.

Is a cathode positive or negative?

A cathode is negative. It attracts cations, which are positively charged.

Why are LEDs different lengths?

To make it easier to see which is positive - anode, and which is negative - cathode. You need to know that, because the LED will only light if the positive and negative terminals of the battery are connected to the correct sides of the LED.

What is the charge of the particle in cathode rays?

Cathode rays are attracted to the positive charge on the anode! They are repelled by the negative charge on the cathode.

How is the metal used in an anode different from the metal used in a cathode?

Anode is positive and cathode is negative. Cathode is the longest led frame. Anode is where the oxidation reaction takes place while cathode is where the reduction reaction takes place or in a galvanic corrosion the anode is the metal that corrodes while the cathode is protected.

Why has an led light got a flat side?

The flat side marks the cathode, or negative wire coming out of the LED. Make sure that the wire on the flat side is connected to ground.

How is led cathode identified on PC board?

A: LED will have a visual greater real estate on the cathode side it can be seen if the LED is transparent other way is using a VOM and measure the potential . the less potential will be at the cathode.