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Each compound has a specific absorption spectra.

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Q: How can you identify a unknown compound using uv spectroscopy?
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What is the main principle of IR spectroscopy?

IR spectroscopy is useful in identifying functional groups in your sample. Many functional groups have specific absorption frequencies, so examination of IR spectra can tell you which functional groups are present (but not where they are structurally in your molecule). A table of common IR absorption frequencies are here: Most of the time IR is used with NMR to identify a compound. IR can often be used independently to see if a reaction has worked (like if you are adding an azido group to your compound, you can use IR to see if your purified product has an azido absorption).

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What is the advantage of using UV-Vis spectroscopy compared to a spectronic 20?

Spectronic 20 was also an UV-Vis spectrophotometer.

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You might make it explode or make some deadly gas. Research what you're doing before you perform an experiment.