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Using spectroscopy we can determine much about a planet's atmosphere.

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Q: Can we see what elements are on different planets?
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Why do you think the planets look the way they look today?

They look like that because they are all at different distances and have different elements in their atmospheres. Mars looks red because we see the rocky red surface, while on the other planets (except Mercury) we only see the top of a very thick layer of clouds.

What are planets made up of?

Planets are made up of many different particles. Such as iron, rock, metal, lighter rock elements.

What are the symbols of the elements named after planets?

See link. It has all the symbols for all the planets.

How many elements name by planets?

3 Elements is the Answer

How do they know what planets are made of?

Light Spectrum Analysis. Different elements reflect different wavelengths of light. Simply put if you look at th different colors of light that is reflected from something you can determine the basic elements it is composed of.

Why are planets seen in different locations at different times?

Because the planets are closer to us so when we look at the planets we can see them move so the closer an object is to you the easier it is to follow its motion. Hope you could use my answer

Are plantes and stars the samething?

They are completely different stars are made of hydrogen and helium while planets are made of various elements

What are the two most prevalent elements on the Jovian or gas planets?

The two most important elements on the Jovian planets are hydrogen and heliumn

What elelments are on Jovian planets?

Hydrogen and helium are the primary elements on those planets.

How do you think Stonehenge could track down movements of stars and planets?

By, Looking at the rocks and its different patterns to see where the stars or planets are located and you can probably use its different patterns as a compass.

How are outer planets different from outer planets?

its not different at all they are just outer planets

What are inner planets made of?

Heavy elements.